"No BS Straight to the point"
This Step By Step Program is the perfect guide to get started by making 5 or 6 figure income online, Without owning any property. You can implement my strategies and you'll Immediately start to see results.
With everything you can possibly need all in one course, Simplified.
A helping community of people who are all on their way to being successful just like you.
Weekly personalized classes, Taught by yours truly.
For those who may not know, My name is Dylan Herrick.
I'm a 19 year old 6 figure Airbnb Host, I started about 7 months ago with my first airbnb. I took a leap of faith.
With only $3000 to my name, I decided that I had enough of being broke and I took a risk that completely changed my life.
6 months ago I was working a 9-5, Taping up my car windows.
I just recently purchased my dream car a Tesla Model 3,
Quit my 9-5, Completely self employed.
All because of Airbnb.
I plan to have 10 Properties before the end of the year, Not owning a single one of them.
its authentically written and you already know thats important, its straight to the point. no bullshit. Dylan speaks from experience in his sentences while also giving other options which i like. the information overall is enough for anyone of any age/experience to get started to building their business.
Dylan’s course made things very understandable and clear for someone like me who was new to the process. It was well organized and when I had questions he was quick to respond and help out. I definitely would recommend this course and Dylan’s expertise in the field to anyone eager to obtain success in this industry.